Workshops and Guest Speaking

Highlights of previous workshops

Ramita is passionate about speaking to others on ways to elevate girls. For more information, download the speaker's kit.

Client Feedback from the Elevate workshops:

We are delighted to be able to offer training, support services and workshops to schools. These are available on request, and include services for teachers, parents, teaching assistants, support staff and students. Please drop us a line with any enquiries, and we will be happy to assist you.

Workshops and Guest Speaking

Ramita is passionate about speaking to others on ways to elevate girls. For more information, download the speaker's kit.

Highlights of previous workshops

Client Feedback from the Elevate workshops:

We are delighted to be able to offer training, support services and workshops to schools. These are available on request, and include services for teachers, parents, teaching assistants, support staff and students. Please drop us a line with any enquiries, and we will be happy to assist you.